Thursday, November 17, 2011

Murphy's Law Rears it's Ugly Head

So, I've been taking singing lessons this semester. It's been a combination of good, bad, and ugly.
The breakdown:

The Good:
-I can sing approximately seven million, one hundred and twenty one times better than when I started two months ago
-I've discovered that my range is actually somewhat decent (one note shy of three octaves, last time I checked)
-it gives me a legit excuse to practice, which is something I didn't have before
-having to occasionally listen to recordings of myself singing has forced me to sort of half get over my hatred of my own voice

The Bad:
-only being allowed to sing classical. Actually, I guess bad is an overstatement, because I've found its emphasis on good technique to transfer quite easily to the other genres I find myself singing in everyday life (rock and pop in the car, worship while I'm at church, and so on)
-having to perform in front of my classmates. partly because of my own self-consciousness about my voice, partly because they're all really amazing singers and I feel slightly inadequate more often than not
-having to practice at home has caused some conflict with the family. lame.

The Ugly:
-I've got a bunch of performances coming up, including one that's pretty much my final exam, and my throat has been killer sore for the past three days.

Yeah. Perfect timing, body. Just go ahead and get sick now. It's not like I need you to be in working order for a few more weeks, or anything like that. No, it would be absolutely unhelpful to me if you could just abstain from rendering me mute until Christmas break. Gosh. >_<

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Dumbest Thing

For weeks now, the school's been posting mysterious Ads all over campus. They ran something like this: "Have you met Mark? Come see what he stands for!" and included a little origami figure of a person (presumably Mark). Everyone at school knew about them because most of us had either seen them for ourselves or had some one else ask us what it was all about.

Today, I was hanging out in one of the common areas at school when some one brought out a giant statue version of the origami figure that was on all the ads. Naturally, I was as curious as everyone else, so I decided to stick around and find out what was going on.

After about 20 minutes of watching people set up, I was handed a pamphlet, which I eagerly read. Basically, it was about how we could make our "Mark" by donating to the school's scholarship funds. Facepalm.

Don't get me wrong. Scholarship funds are awesome, but asking college students to donate to them is like going to the foodbank and asking the people who rely on it for donations of non-perishable food items. Those of us who aren't currently making use of scholarships and bursaries are saving every penny just to pay to come here. Heck, some of us are living off ramen noodles even with our scholarship money. The point is that we rely on scholarships because we couldn't otherwise afford college. For the most, we certainly can't afford to donate to scholarship funds at this point. Our budgets are on life support as it is. Do they seriously not realise that we're poor?!?

I'm sorry. This is a bit of a rant, but it makes me angry.