Thursday, July 28, 2011

Life's Too Short Not To...

  • sing aloud in the parking lot
  • laugh at past misfortunes
  • wear bright colors
  • get caught looking bad in a few photographs
  • speak your mind every so often, even if you don't think others want to hear it
  • blast your favorite tunes in the car. Don't forget to rock out at red lights!
  • pay for some one else's drive thru order (on occasion)
  • take two naps in one day
  • eat non-breakfast foods for breakfast
  • figure out what makes you happy, then do it even if people laugh
  • hang out with people you like and who like you back
  • try new things
  • laugh until you can't breathe
  • eat until your stomache hurts
  • scream your lungs out when you go to concerts
  • dance when you get caught in the rain
  • turn off the TV and go for a walk
  • enjoy your favorite meal without checking for calories
  • go after your dreams, no matter how impossible they seem
  • stay up until 2 AM hanging out with friends
  • smuggle your camera into places where it's not allowed
  • speak in fake accents
  • remove the springs from your trampoline to use it as a hammock
  • eat ice cream when it's cold out and drink hot chocolate when it's warm out
  • feel the sun on your face and the wind in your hair
  • laugh at terrible movies
  • play drinking games if you drink, pretend to if you don't
  • stargaze

I missed some stuff. Let me know if you think of one and I'll add it to the list.

*UPDATE: The highlighted entries were suggested in the comments*


  1. This blog needs an 'awesome' button. I love it when you post.

    I'd add:
    - stay up till 2 am rocking out with friends
    - bring a camera into a 'no-camera' zone (like a concert) and get away with it
    - speak all day in a totally fake valley girl 'accent'
    - take out a section of the springs on your trampoline and make it a hammock

    If I think of more I'll comment again...

  2. -Watch terrible B-movies just to make fun off them
    -Come up with ridiculous reasons to do (fake) shots
    -Be out in the wilderness and watch the stars
    -Have ice cream for breakfast
