Know what sucks?!?!
*waits for you to guess*
Wrong! Miniseries's. They suck.
Allow me to back up a little bit. Recently, I was unlucky enough to find what could very well be my favorite TV related thing ever. Spoiler alert: it's BBC's Sherlock. It was perfect. Everything about it was just perfect. The british accents, the mystery, the adventure, the british accents, the creativity that still managed to stay somewhat true to the source material, the british accents, the bromance between Holmes and Watson, and did I mention the british accents (which are only the second most beautiful accents ever)? Also, Sherlock Holmes is my all-time favorite book series. Even the throw cushion on Holmes's armchair is exactly like the one I have on my bed (which I bought before knowing of the series). It's like the producers had me in mind when they made it.
Now, I say that I was unfortunate to stumble (or rather, be directed to via a friend's recommendation) upon this little slice of heaven because it's a miniseries. Which basically means there are a total of three 90 minute episodes available for me to watch until the new year, when the second season is to come out. I've watched two of them already.
So now I'm stuck with this terrible dilemna: I can go ahead and watch the third episode right now. Or I can resist and have a new episode still to watch until the new series comes out. And I blame the miniseries format of the show. Three episodes is just not enough for a satisfying season of any show, let alone a contender for the greatest thing ever. It's enough to get you hooked, and then it's like: No more! Season's over. See you next year, SUCKA!!!
You suck, BBC, you really, really suck.
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