Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Flashback! :)

So, a random but familiar song popped into my head this morning. It was from a Halloween decoration that we used to put out around this time of year.
Basically, the decoration is a stuffed Frankenstien doll that dances and sings this song when you press on its hand. (It was from Hallmark, obviously). But I used to find (and still do) the little song he sung kind of hilarious. It goes like this:

Some people keep their brains securely in their heads.
Some keep them safe in mason jars underneath their beds.
Igor keeps a spare one in the closet in the hall,
Some people act as if they didn't have a brain at all.
Where do you keep your brain?
To keep it safe, out of the rain.
You better know where your brain is....
If Igor finds it, he'll think it's his.

Maybe it's just because the song reminds me of my childhood, but I still love it. ^_^

1 comment:

  1. Even though it is a silly hallemark song , it still has a grain of truth in it. Some people aren't willing to be inventfull and creative , and they are " keeping their brain securely in their heads ."
    And there are people who hide their intelect or ideas for fear of persecution or change in the way people seem them , these are the people " keeping their brains in mason jars ."
    I think Igor could be a reference to the person or impluses that make us do weird or radiacally diferent things , like creating a new recipe or wearing a homemade costume , so of course this entity would keep ideas and thoughts to him self so we couldn't destroy them , that is having " a spare one in the closet."
    The line "some people act as if they don't have a brain at all " speaks for itself.
    And at the end there telling you if you don't keep some of your thoughts private some body could say that they are their orignal and not yours/
