Monday, October 18, 2010

People are Strange

So, you'll only get this post if watch this video first:

Have you watched it? No, seriously, go back and do it before you read on.

Watched it yet? Good. :)

My psychology professor showed it to us in class. I have to admit, I was kind of dissapointed. I would probably have been totally amazed by it had I not already read about it in the text book (and known to watch for the gorilla).

That said, how entirely freaky is it that you can completely miss something so obvious?!?!  On the plus side, it kind of explains all the car accidents that just seem dumb. ;) On the minus side, who knows when someone will be driving near you, not paying attention, then BAM!

Like today. I was driving to school next to this HUGE semi. But it was all good. The route I have to take to get to school, which runs through an industrial district, is always heavy on traffic (especially semis). I was used to it. I was singing along to the radio (which was having a remarkably good music day, playing all my favorite songs), having a great time. Suddenly, I noticed the semi driving next to me starting to move into my lane, still right beside me. I slammed on the breaks. HOOONNNNNNKKKK!!!!!! The semi truck stops. I was safe. I continued on my way, fighting back tears of fear.

I'm just so grateful that the truck driver noticed me when he did, otherwise I don't even know whether I would be writing this. Thank God.


  1. Thank God.
    Nothing quite like a little near-death experience to help you realise how fleeting life is...

  2. I wouldn't go so far as to call it a near-death experience (I mean, there wasn't even actually an accident), but it did make me think...
