Monday, December 6, 2010

1 Down, 7 to Go...

Today was the last day of my first semester of my bachelor's degree, and I honestly thought that I'd be happier about it then I am... I mean, it means that I've made it, right? With only final exams left to do, and rather comfortable marks going in, the chances of me flunking out now are super slim (unless I do something like skip them, in which case I would deserve to flunk out for my own stupidity). And after that, I have the whole ten days leading up to Christmas to enjoy the holiday season, which is about a gazillion times better then the two to three days we would get in high school.

Even with all this going for the prospect of me being happy about my current situation, I can't help feeling a little bit sad. I think the main reason is that I know that the excitement of this past semester is forever in the past, now. Try as I might, there is not a chance of me meeting as many new people as I did this semester. And then there was the fun of making sure I looked great almost all the time (because, hey, I'll probably be meeting someone new today!). There was also the novelty of starting over, which, for me, was a completely new and amazing experience since I grew up in a small town and up until this semester have gone to school with the exact same people (and I never quite fit in).

But now I'm established. I know the halls of my university (almost) as well as I knew the halls of my high school last year. I've explored the school and its grounds, I've made some friends and we have chosen our hangout spot. I know exactly when I have to leave the house and about when I can expect to get home. In short, the routine's been set, and to be honest, I've had so much fun setting it up that I'm really sad it's over.

On the plus side, though, I accomplished my goal of never wearing sweatpants to school. =D

1 comment:

  1. That's always a good goal to have. ;-) Congratulations on fulfilling it! (And congratulations on making it through the first semester!)
