Saturday, June 4, 2011

Sartorial Saturdays: A Fashion Expirament

Recently, College Fashion did a post challenging it's readers to wear one article of clothing for a whole week, creating a new outfit around it each day. As though this week hasn't been jam-packed enough already, I decided to go ahead and try it anyway. Here's what transpired:

Scenario: My Mom and I went to the local greenhouse to pick up some flowers for our yard. I wanted something comfy, casual, and most importantly, something I couldn't wear to work.

Greenhouses are an excellent venue for photos, by the way.

The Outfit: I wore my chosen item (a plain white T-shirt) with a pair of darkwash denim shorts. To make the outfit more interesting, I accesorized with a straw fedora, a black and white scarf, and a short stack of silver bangles. Black sandals finish off the casual look.

Did it work?: Never, ever, EVER, wear shorts to a greenhouse! Seriously. I got eaten alive by mosquitos. Maybe it would have worked had I thought to add bug spray to my accesories list, through...

Scenario: Since the plan for today was to go to church and sing in what is essentially the church worship band (but they call it a "team" instead- to make it sound less commercial, I guess), I needed something pretty and youthful, but also church-approved.

The Outfit: I folded down the top half of a black dress with a w
hite graphic print on the skirt, wearing it over my t-shirt, and covered the seam with a bright yellow belt to add color to the look. The look was finished off with a grey cardigan, a black and white statement necklace, and black ballet flats.

Did it Work?: I got so many compliments on this outfit from both people my age and older members of our congregation. This one's definitely going on the "Wear Again" list.

Scenario: Back to work once again. I was really tired this morning, so style was still a priority, but was on the back burner compared to sleep.

The Outfit: I layered a light blue chambray button up over my t-shirt and added a string of pink and purple beads and for a free-spirited, creative, kind of look.

Did it Work?: It was a very comfortable outfit, but I couldn't get the blouse to sit just right. Perhaps if I had a skinny belt to give it shape, it would have worked out better.

Scenario: Work is pretty much the only thing on the agenda for today. Since tastefulness and jeans are essentially the only dress requirements, I had plenty of artistic license.

Up close- sorry the t-shirt doesn't show in the's there I promise.

The Outfit: I wanted white to be the primary color used in this outfit, so I added interest by adding texture. I started by layering a cream, sheer lace t-shirt over my white one and layered a white linen blazer over that. I wore a lighter wash of denim to prevent the outfit from becoming harsh and because I don't own a white pair. Finally, a watch on a string of pearls completed the outfit.

Did it Work?: Not as well as it would have with white on the bottom, too. Note to self: buy white jeans.

Scenario: Work, then a U2 concert!! :D The band was asking everyone to wear either white or red in support of Project (Red) and the ONE Campaign , which fit in nicely with my choice of clothing article

Confession: I would have cheated on the challenge if I wasn't wearing the right colors. XD

The Outfit: I figured that this would be a great time to let my red skinny jeans make a rare appearence. My t-shirt served as an anchor for a white, frilly tank top, while making the outfit work appropriate. I also wore a dark grey sleeveless cardi and my black ballet flats. I topped the outfit off with the Desi(RED) pendant that I bought a while ago from GAP, with some of the proceeds going to project RED.

Did it Work?: Well, in theory, yes. It was work appropriate, and still a fun look for the concert. However, the temperature dropped and the sky was threatening rain, so I was forced to add a red and black checkered jacket. I've also been carrying a red and white purse for almost a month, now. As a result, I ended up being dressed in head-to-toe red for the concert, which was pretty unfashionable. At least I looked like a die-hard fan and/or die-hard Project (Red) supporter, way up there in the nosebleed seats, I guess. :|

Scenario: Work, then off to the movie theatre with my friend to see Thor.

The Ouftit: I started with my usual white t-shirt and darkwash jeans combination. I then added a black vest with military details and my black statement necklace from Sunday.

Did it Work?: Mostly. I'm a pretty messy popcorn eater, so crumbs and kernals got everywhere, but that would have happened no matter what I chose to wear. Also, it was kind of a bummer not being able to wear my U2 tee.

Scenario: Work, then hanging out with the youth group at church.

Sorry about the crappy picture...

The Outfit: I layered my grey cardigan from Sunday over the basic t-shirt and jeans work combo, then added a blue and tan statement necklace for interest.

Did it Work?: Perfectly. I think I'm finally starting to get the hang of this. I won't lie, though. I'm super looking forward to wearing my U2 t-shirt on Sunday...maybe that'll be the next post...hmmm...

Lessons Learned
  1. Spray on febreeze is a lifesaver. Otherwise I would have had to wear a stinky t-shirt all week.
  2. I need to buy a pair of white jeans and a skinny belt.
  3. Accessories are important. I don't usually put much thought into them, but they can definitely make or break an outfit. I'll have to pay more attention from now on.
  4. It takes a REEAALLLY long time to upload multiple photos to your blog. I apologise this post is so late. Now that I know how long this takes, I'll try to do them in advance of Saturday from now on...


  1. I really liked Saturday, and Sunday, and Monday, and Tuesday... well, I liked all of them, but those four were my favourites. I especially like how you layered the shirts on Tuesday.
    How did you manage not to get the t-shirt dirty though? I can wear a white/light-coloured article of clothing for about twenty minutes before spilling something dark on it...

  2. Thanks! I think my favorites are Sunday and Thursday. Tuesday's was inspired by an editorial I saw in a magazine. I'm pretty lucky, actually. I'm not really prone to spilling food (other than popcorn), but I was still very, VERY careful. Waiting in line for T-shirts at the U2 concert was also pretty tense because people were shoving their way past me with open drinks, but nothing happened. :)
