Saturday, February 5, 2011

28 Sounds I Love

I really dig the idea of enjoying the simpler things in life. And it's not always easy. Sometimes you're too depressed, sometimes you're too stressed out, and other times life just gets in the way of being able to see the forest for the trees, so to speak. This week it has been the stress that's been holding me back from my goal. So, I decided to write a list of some little sounds that I love to hear. In the spirit of helping anyone else who might be sharing my stressed frame of mind right now, I'd like to share what I've come up with. So, without further ado, 26 sounds (and 2 non-sounds) I love, in no particular order.

1) the clicking of a keyboard when you're typing
2) the pssshht of a can of soda being opened
3) the cracking of ice cubes as you pour that soda into a glass
4) the fwoosh of a campfire starting
5) the subsequent crackling of burning logs
6) the crunch of fresh leaves being stepped on
7) a chickadee's bird call early in the morning (chic-a-dee-dee-dee-dee-dee)
8) the sound that melting snow makes as it runs down the gutter
9) the swish of the wind blowing through aspen leaves on a summer day
10) my cat's "I'm happy to see you" meow (he has one, I swear!)
11) the sizzle of the first raindrops hitting the pavement on a really hot day
12) rain falling on the roof of our old tent trailer (it kind of makes me sad that I'll never hear this one again...)
13) the little chime melody the clock in our den makes every hour
14) that plodding sound when you step in a puddle
15) ocean waves crashing into the shore (I'm so fortunate that I got a chance to hear this one a few times, living in a landlocked place- I recommend that everyone try to hear it at least once in their life)
16) wind and rain against the windows during a thunderstorm
17) the sound of my car starting
18) the electrified silence in the air just before a big thunderstorm
19) the fwoosh of my cat fluffing up his fur
20) the crunch of lettuce when you rip it up to make a salad
21) the sound a camera makes when you take a picture
22) two words: sizzling bacon. yum.
23) the sound of a barbecue firing up
24) popcorn popping (you can tell I'm starting to get hungry)
25) that perfectly calm silence you can only hear on a snowy winter's day
26) the rhythmic ticking of a clock
27) the popping of bubbles in a bubble bath
28) echos... echos... echoes


  1. This made me smile. (I have to admit I laughed a bit unsympathetically at #8 though...) I might have to steal this idea if the novel takes much longer...
    I also like how there's one for every day this month.

  2. I'm glad. I should clarify, though, that #8 is there because it reminds me of spring, and hey, there is always #25. No problem, although you should know that this is the first of a series...the next one will probably be going up sometime next week.

  3. I know, I noticed that...
    You're doing this as a series? That's so neat! Totally looking forward to the next one!
