Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My Day (Syntax Not Included)

On Monday, I finished my exams, and by extension, my first year of University! :) In celebration, here's a description of my first awesomely lazy day of Summer (well, my two week vacation before I start work, that is...)...SANS PROPER SENTENCE STRUCTURE!!!! (hooray!). PS: I wrote this to celebrate being able to do so, but if readability is at all important to you, I would recommend not reading this post past this point.

Woke up; laid in bed until I remembered how sick laying in bed all day makes me feel. Time to get up

Answered the phone it's the guy who hired me. He sends some paperwork to be filled out and mailed back to him...tried to read the employee manual. So bored...facebook. NO, must read this and be responsible...facebook. My friend has sent me a message! Hi.

I'm kinda hungry maybe I should eat. Go to kitchen. Get sandwich. Eat sandwich while chatting with my friend. Friend ordered a pizza. Suddenly I can smell pizza. Am I going crazy? Who cares, because now I can think about is pizza. I really want a pizza...I kind of wish my sandwich was a pizza. Hang on: pizza's expensive. I'm broke. So nevermind.

Thought about what haircut and color I want to get next. Seriously considered the sixth haircut on this website. Site says it's an emo cut but I dissagree. Told my mom I wanted this color because I was curious what her reaction would be. The color seemed crazy until I saw this and realised that I kind of liked it and would actually consider having it done.

Time to go to my guitar lesson, except I don't want to get dressed. Why am I so lazy? I could make myself presentable...meh. Watched a rerun of How I Met Your Mother instead. It was the one where Ted invites Robin to a wedding to impress her and almost wrecks his friend's marriage.

Lesson was fine. My teacher said he was having a bad teaching day. But it was okay because I was having a bad student day. Told him about Rebecca Black's new single which I won't link to because it's so bad. Look it up if you want to, but don't say you weren't warned. But it is kind of hilarious. The "best" line is "his eyes look great coz they are brown".

Went to the drugstore and bought nail polish and a hairstyle magazine. Went home. Watched the second half of The Biggest Loser. Why do I even watch this show? I don't like it that much and it's super long...I could be doing something better, like reading that manual. Oh well.

Found a film version of 1984 on Netflix and thought about watching it. Then I remembered how much just reading the Room 101 scene made my toes curl and decided that watching it unfold on my TV would probably give me nightmares. Then I watched The Butterfly Effect which was really dissapointing. The premise was interesting but the way it played out was pretty predictable. That's two hours of my life I'm not getting back.

Could have watched Iron Man II. It's based on a comic book, but it still would have been less of a waste of time because Robert Downey Jr. is funny as a superhero and I like watching what Gweneth Paltrow is wearing. Also, I didn't understand what Scarlett Johansson is doing there the first time I saw it so maybe I'd figure that out. Oh well. Maybe in daylight tomorrow, I'll watch 1984 and spend the rest of my vacation paranoid that Big Brother is Watching Me. Better yet, I'll watch it the night before I start work. That'll make for an interesting first day.

Laid in bed, typed up this post. After I turn off the computer, I will read my bible and go to sleep. Then be just as lazy tomorrow. Well, almost, I have to read that manual. :)


  1. LOL! I loved that whole paragraph about Facebook! And that pizza paragraph is SO me... 'I want this I want this I want this I should get this I will get this -- TWENTY FLIPPING DOLLARS?!? Never mind...'
    Actually I just liked the whole post. If I had to pick a favourite post from this blog (so far), this would definitely be it. :-D

    And you were up later than I was last night... how weird is that?

  2. Yeah, after I was done watching my movie, I just wasn't tired enough to go to sllep. So I wrote this instead. And I'm glad you liked it by the way...I was worried that writing about such a mundane day would make it a really boring read...
