Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sun, sun, sun, here it comes!

They say that we only have two seasons in Canada: Winter and Summer (or as some people prefer to call it, Waiting-for-Winter). And really, the majority of our Summer is more like what would be considered late spring in most other places. This year, that's especially true in Alberta, with winter having stretched for five whole months already (and snow still covering a good percentage of the ground). So people like myself (you know, the ones who can't stand winter) become absolutely elated at the most rediculous things. The smallest patch of grass, the tiniest rise in the mercury above freezing, a meltwater puddle on the sidewalk. Talking about the weather becomes something you do with your close friends, not just random strangers you want to make polite conversation with. Because we can walk out onto our decks (even if there's only a square meter around the doorway cleared) AND WE ARE EXCITED ABOUT IT! Even my cat gets excited at the prospect of spring. He stares out the windows, sunbathes on the floor, and peeks out the back door to breathe in the fresh air (it's still to cold for him to want to actually go out, so I let him do so). It doesn't matter how bad a mood I start the day in, one look at those puddles and one breath of that fresh spring air cures me right away. I always miss this time of year, and I'm so happy it's back.

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