Thursday, September 29, 2011

That Awkward Moment When...

You realise you've been embarrassing yourself every day for a solid three months and didn't even know about it.

It all started at the beggining of Summer when I started a job at my Dad's office. It was a lot of fun for the first week or so, then boredom set in. And it set in hard. Fortunately, it didn't take me long to accidentaly discover one fun thing about the job: the bathroom.

Yes, the bathroom. You see, it was covered in floor to ceiling tile, which meant that the accoustics were horrible in the best possible way. Every little sound echoed and magnified itself. Of course, being me, I had the immediate urge to try singing. And so I did, and it was amazing.

So then I started lingering after my bathroom break to sing and hear my voice sound approximately one billion and three times more intense than usual. Then I started going in just to sing. Because, hey, the song that was playing on my ipod ROCKED and I TOTALLY NEEDED to sing along. No one would hear me, anyway.

Or so I thought.

I should have figured it out when I was walking across the parking lot one day and a coworker complimented me on my voice. Unfortunately, I happened to be singing along to my ipod at the time, so even though I didn't think I was singing all that loudly, I figured he'd heard me.

I finally did figure it out about a week before I was due to quit. I was walking past the bathroom when I heard two women inside talking. The bathroom wasn't soundproof. I seriously wanted to die. And that's the story of my life's most embarrassing moment.

1 comment:

  1. Well, at least they enjoyed hearing you sing... :-)
    I definitely feel your embarrassment though. You would think a washroom of all rooms would be the most soundproof.
