Friday, October 15, 2010

Running out of Laptop Juice

Ok, after today even I can no longer ignore the sad reality. So, since the first step to recovery is admitting that you have a problem, here it goes: "My name is Brittney, and I am a facebook-games-aholic." (here's the part where anyone who may be reading this and suffers from the same problem is free to respond in their best support group monotone "Hello, Brittney").
My turning point in realising that I have this interactive monkey on my back came today, during my final class. You see, a week ago, my friend started talking about something called "Horse Saga". I, being rather proud of the fact that I had managed to curtail my addiction to one beloved facebook game (Restaurant City, anyone?) per day, kept my head down and hoped that this demon would pass. Long story short, it didn't, she invited me, I accepted. All part of the downwards spiral into relapse.
 Last night, one of my horses was blessed with a little baby horse bundle of joy. Therefore, the next day, I simply had to log on after my earth science lab to check on the little horsey.Which wouldn't have been so bad if I hadn't felt the compulsion to check it repeatedly throughout the rest of the day. Unfortunately, I did, and soon found myself in Sociology class, Open Office document poised like the good little student I am, without my laptop charger or a spare battery, but ready to go .
Then I saw it. The little battery logo looking mighty depleated. Oh sure, I had noticed before that it was starting to get low, but I just didn't realise how BAD it really was. I started to metaphorically sweat, frantically rolling my mouse over the little guy to see just how bad the damage was. 35 minutes (21%) remaining. I (metaphorically) gritted my teeth. Could I make it stretch for an extra twenty minutes?
Thinking quickly (as I usually do), I started to change the power settings to make the laptop as fuel efficient as possible. Then I checked the battery logo again. 52 minutes (20%) remaining. I breathed a proverbial sigh of relief. That should do it.
About halfway through the lecture, it happened. A little window popped up informing me that my battery was low and advising me to plug in the laptop and/or replace the battery "not options!" I thought. Don't panic, I told myself, you will still get one more warning before you really have to worry about the power running out.
Fifteen minutes later, the dreaded box appeared. A single (imaginary) drop of sweat rolled down my cheek. This is it! It's all over. My laptop is going to die, and with it my dreams of maintaining an A in this class.
Wait! Could it be?!...just when I thought it was over, I realised that we were almost done with the lecture. With a flood of relief, I started counting down the remaining lines on the notes 5....4....3...come on, little laptop, you can do it!....2....come on, come on come on...1...with all due respect professor, PLEASE get to the last point before my battery runs out completely. Then, like a little angel, it appeared on the screen! Biological Imperative. I triumphantly typed in the last remaining phrase. All that was left to do is save...done. And now shut down the computer before it shut itself down.
Yup. It was a close shave, but I made it. Now that I know I have a problem, I've come up with a solution. From now on, I resolve to only facebook game at school for one twenty minute time block per day. Maybe.


  1. I've been writing suspense for almost three years and this is better than anything I've ever come up with! I'm jealous! (Just kidding.)
    Seriously though, as writing, this is really good.

  2. awww...thanks. :) I just felt like I should post something new because it had been almost a week, and then I got the idea to tell a mundane story as though it was a really big deal.

  3. That was a great way to tell the story , he he I liked it . !
