Thursday, October 7, 2010

Ten things I Hate About Business Class

1) The semester long group projects in a course meant to weed out people who don't care. If some one in your group drops close to a due date, you're basically screwed.

2)How the Professor would bring up each assignment at least seven or eight times during class, making each task feel way more difficult and intimidating then it had to.

3) How it would eat up all this time that I could be using for homework in a subject. I. Actually. Liked.

4)Only understanding about a tenth of what the professor says. Between his thick accent and just plain finding the topic boring, I was surprised that I even managed that much.

5) Having it from 12:35 to 2:00pm... did that heated debate in philosophy class work up an appetite? TOO BAD!

6) Watching the clock starting from the first five minutes of class. 1:20 left....1:19 left....1:18....

7) Working for hours on a project only to find that I was essentially no further along then when I started.

8) Paying attention in class was like sleeping through a hurricane. Not technically impossible, but very, very difficult.

9) The fact that everyone else there seems to understand the material and I never did.

10) It made me dread my Tuesdays, and Thursdays, which were actually kind of awesome otherwise.

Wow, that was theraputic. Did I mention that I dropped Business 110, today? Yup. I'm so happy that I never have to hear about proffit margins, dress like a contestant on the Apprentice, or stay up until wee hours of the morning reading about finance ratios ever again that I could just hug a bunny! :)

1 comment:

  1. 'I'm so happy that I never have to hear about proffit margins, dress like a contestant on the Apprentice, or stay up until wee hours of the morning reading about finance ratios ever again that I could just hug a bunny! :)'
    You're so cute! :-)
