Friday, November 19, 2010


So I'm running out of time in my first semester. Which is good because I'm also running out of energy and willpower. It seems like all the essays, assignements, and required reading just pile up around now, and with finals starting to loom, I'm officially starting to freak out.

And on top of that is the fact that I'm still of two minds about what I want to do with my life. On one hand being a forensic psychologist would be Really. Flippin'. Epic. I mean, I'd have a job that's challenging, fufilling, and above all, interesting. The one catch? I'm afraid of becoming jaded by what I'll see. I don't want to wind up some crazy old lady who lives alone save for her 18 cats and hates everybody on two legs. On the other hand, I could pursue sociology (which happens to come a lot easier to me, anyhow), but I really don't know what kind of job I could end up with by doing that. It's stressful. :(

There IS a bit of good news, though: If I make it through the next three weeks I get a full three weeks of nothing. Sweet, sweet nothing. I can facebook and watch TV reruns to my heart's content. I can finally finish reading Hound of the Baskervilles (although, admittedly, I might just slack a little this weekend to make time for that). I can spend as much time as I like practicing guitar or pondering life. Suffice to say, I'm super looking forward to Christmas break. If this pace keeps up, I'm going to need it.

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