Tuesday, November 2, 2010

"I'm a Mac"...No, you're an Idiot.

So there's this apparent issue that has been sweeping the nation (all the while making people like myself VERY, VERY angry). Of course, I speak of the question "Are you a Mac or a PC?". Now, don't get me wrong, I think that both operating systems have thier own pros and cons. I personally opt to use a PC because I think they're a better value for the pricepoint, but I can understand why some people would prefer to pay more for a Mac, with it's beautiful, sleek design, all of it's fun bells and whistles, and the relative lack of viruses. Despite the fact that my title pokes fun at "Mac people", you could easily substitute Mac for PC if you so prefer without changing the meaning of this post. Because to me, the stupidity isn't in whether a person chooses one operating system or the other, it's in the question.

Asking some one if they are a "Mac or a PC" is essentially requesting that a person place their whole identity in what type of computer they use. It's like asking some one if they are a "Toyota or a Ford". It degrades a person to just a pile of materialistic choices. Even more offensive are the commercials on both sides that condone this mode of thinking. According to Mac, on one side, you have the hip, young, professional (of course he's a Mac), and on the other a nerdy, overweight, bumbling older beaurocrat (a PC). According to PC, you have the deluded people who think they're cool because they spent way to much money on a computer (the Macs), or the intelligent, inquisitive people of all ages and walks of life (all PC's).

In allowing ourselves to be labeled in this way, we basically become walking bilboards for our computer of choice. What's worse is that we sometimes let dissagreements over something so trivial jeopardize our relationships by getting into "PC's are cheaper, yeah, well Mac's are cooler" style debates that somehow manage to get heated. Why? It's like two opposing tribes, each member changing their personality a little to "fit in" with the brands Windows and Apple have constructed for themselves.

It's inevitable that product placement will creep into our identities at least a little bit, but to allow something as ridiculous as competing computer companies to hijack our identities in the name of advertising? Therein lies the stupidity


  1. I knew as soon as I read the title that this was going to be good... and you certainly didn't disappoint. :-)
    This reminded me of a Calvin and Hobbes strip in which Calvin says he likes to express his individuality by wearing t-shirts with company slogans or names on them -- "I'm so cool I paid the company to advertise their product! It's the (North) American way to express individuality."

  2. Hi , Brittney , I am following your blog now. Personally this issue of being a "Mac" or "PC" personality has been an argument or even a light discussion between me and anybody. But I would like to put in my input on this conterversial matter by saying that defining your self accord to any sort of brand or label ( PC , FORD , MAC , TOYATA )is stupid !
    If people want to get to know the real you they should be asking .
    Where do you're beliefs come from ?
    Do you have any family ?
    Where do you hide your ice cream , * (ha ha not really )
    Miss you a lot
