Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Some Cool Stuff

Hey, all, just thought I'd indulge in some shameless linkbaiting. So without further ado, here's some interesting internet stuff.

First up, we have a rather hilarious cat. The first half isn't much, but the second is totally worth the (short) wait: http://www.youtube.com/themeankitty#p/u/27/DUFaRPomFj0

Is it the ever so slight lack of oxygen at 33, 000 feet, the sleep deprivation, or the extreme boredom of the passengers that motivates them to buy this stuff? Either way, the result is pretty hilarious from the ground! http://www.skymall.com/shopping/subdept.htm?c=10510&cm_sp=Header-_-TopNav-_-OutdoorLiving

Here's an online store that sells the prettiest clothing ever! I spend WAAAY too much time pining over
some of the stuff on this webite. It's too bad I don't shop online. :'( : http://www.modcloth.com/

This video almost inspired me to have a post-it-note shopping spree at staples! http://www.metacafe.com/watch/2947980/deadline_post_it_stop_motion/

And look! Some guy drew a floorplan for Sherlock Holme's appartment! I guess it could be that I'm mildly obsessed with these books, but I was really impressed by how closely he followed the descriptions Arthur Conan Doyle wrote of the place: http://www.stutler.cc/other/misc/images/bakerstreet_new_notes_1520.jpg

Finally, does this make anyone else want to hum the Iron Man theme song? http://news.discovery.com/tech/rocketman-jet-wingsuit.html

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